Thursday, December 31, 2009

(via deeone)
I think this about sums up my year and my day. On to bigger and better things in 2010.  Clearing out my friends, clearing out things that don't matter, and looking to brighter days.  I'm done with petty people and doing things that I don't really care about. I don't need to be fake for anyone or pretend anymore. Here's to a new me!!!!

Off to Flagstaff! Tomorrow's post will be strange since it will be from my phone. I'll edit it when I get home.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Testing Mobile Posting

Ok So I figured out I can post from my phone and then come back and edit it later.  Yay I can post from Flagstaff. Ok really off to bed now.

Word Nerd Alert!

I spent all day today reading!  I literally only left my room twice, to go to the bathroom and to eat.  I'm reading Goblet of Fire and it's awesome.  I really love Harry Potter and I think my love for it has grown since I've become more aware of the world that revolves around Harry Potter and things related to Harry Potter.  Oh man I am becoming even more of a nerd than I already am.

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve!  I've already told you my plans so I won't write it again.  Friday is the start of my resolutions (if you want to call them that).  I'm going to continue writing in this everyday and I'm going to be reading everyday and recording that I finish in a notebook.  My goal is to read atleast 50 books by October 31st. Then I will be super prepared for NanoWrimo.  Atleast I hope so.

Ok off to read somemore of Goblet of Fire and then off to bed.  I have Alex again tomorrow and when Mikey gets off work we're heading to Flagstaff, where there is no internet.  So I'll have to remember to post in the morning.  Oh man I just realized I won't have internet Friday while up in Flagstaff. I'm not so sure how I am going to be able to post on New Years. That will be a bad way to start my resolution. Off to figure that out.

Till tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I have the Petville song stuck in my head right now and it's driving me insane.

I watched Alex again today.  I finally figured out how to watch Dora online. I wish I had figured this out last week. Oh well.

My mom and I went to Bookman's and guessed it....books!  I got My Sister's Keeper and A Great and Terrible Beauty .  Of course I won't be reading either for a while since I have a whole stack of books next to my bed and I'm still working on the Harry Potter  series.  I'm on book 4 now! Woohoo!

Alright I don't have much else to write about today.  Only two more days until New Year's Eve.  We're going up to Flagstaff to hang out with our friends up there.  I think I might have mentioned that yesterday, but oh well now you know again.

Oh and I also watched Angus, Thongs and Snogging today.  It was super cute and totally adds to my desire to be British. Sigh...

In case you haven't noticed I've been linking all the books and such to Amazon so you can go and get yourself a copy!

Ok I'm out of here.  Catch you later. 

Books: Finished An Abundance of Katherines now back to the Harry Potter series. On to The Goblet of Fire now.

Monday, December 28, 2009

I Never Want to Be Old.

I watched Alex today. I still have a cold, so I've been feeling crappy all day.  I didn't really do anything note worthy today.  We watched Madagascar three times and I read some.

I lead an exciting life.  I know.

We took him to Mcdonald's for dinner and let him play. That was fun.

My mom has her singles over here and they are so obnoxious.  I hope I'm never that pathetic when I'm older.  They all just whine and pretend to get along with each other.  It's sad how fake some people are.

Well I'm off to read some more. I have yet to finish An Abundance of Katherines. I just haven't had time to read lately.

Until tomorrow.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Baby It's Cold Outside and We Have Colds.

We took Evan to the little train park/museum by our house today. I've never been there, but it is actually really cool. We spent about 3 hours there and rode the little train twice. They have like 13 miles of track that you can ride on. It's crazy! I'll edit with some pictures when Alli puts them on facebook.

When we got home we crashed for like 4 hours. Long naps are fun! We are both super sick with awesome colds. I'm tired of having a runny nose! I hope I'm somewhat better by Thursday so we can go party up in Flag.

I'm watching the Alex some more this week. I know tomorrow for sure and Wednesday. I hope they bring toys so I can keep him entertained. Three year olds have super short attention spans.

Okay off to read a little and fall into a nyquil induced stupor. Good night loves! If there is even anyone out there who reads this...teehee.

Current Book: An Abundance of Katherines by John Green...I really need to finish this one.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

House Hunting

We went house hunting with Turtle today. We saw one house we really liked. We have to still go see the inside.

I took my violin to get it fixed! I can't wait to start playing again.

I really haven't done much else today.

Right now I'm listening to Wizard Rock! I'm totally nerding out. I love it!

I've been reading An Abundance of Katherines. I really like it so far! Good stuff!

Ok that's all. Boring post. :P

Friday, December 25, 2009


I haven't written in 3 days. I suck a little. It's ok though I haven't started officially writing everyday yet.

Wednesday night I watched the boys and went to Wal-mart at 1am. We bought the rest of the Christmas presents for everyone.

Thursday night we had Christmas with my family. Fun times. I got lots of books! I got 1st editions of Eclipse and Breaking Down, 1st edition of An Abundance of Katherines and the 1st season of Bones! Yay I'm so excited to watch Bones and read my books! I also got a ton of pjs. Lots of comfy book reading to come!

Today is Christmas! YAY! I got more pjs and a memory card for my phone. My dad got me soap stuff again. Oh man. It was fun with Mikey's family though. Playing Wii Mario World and eating Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans is an amazing way to have family bonding. I love them to death. All in all a fun couple of days.

New Years is Friday. Yay for resolutions and goals! 2010 is going to be a good year. I can feel it.

Off to watch movies with the hubby and read my new books! Merry Christmas Blog-World.

Current Book: Taking a break from the Harry Potter series to read An Abundance of Katherines by John Green.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I'm a cute Gryffindor :)

I'm a nerd, so I'm posting this here. I like it. :)

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas is coming!

I made salt dough ornaments today! I sort of feel like Christmas is coming now. Going to paint them with the boys tomorrow.

I had Alex today. He has a cold and was cranky all day. He's getting so big, it's crazy.

I haven't done a whole lot else.

Oh I made homemade playdough too! I'm going to put the recipe in this post because it was so fun to make.

It's super easy to make!!!!

Nature's Playdough

1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt
1 cup water
2 tablespoons oil
2 tablespoons cream of tartar

Mix flour, salt, oil and cream of tartar, and slowly add the water. Cook over medium heat, stirring until dough becomes stiff (Only takes a few minutes so stir it the WHOLE time). Turn out onto wax paper and let cool. Knead the playdough with your hands until of proper consistency. Use as is, or divide into balls and add a few drops of food coloring. I added mint essence to make it smell good. You could use vanilla or even squirt it with body spray. Don't let it cool too much before kneading it...just till you can touch it. Also store it in a tupperware or in a ziploc bag.

Okay go make some now! It's fun stuff!

Off to lurk some Harry Potter sites. Yes I'm becoming a HP nerd. :)

Still reading Chamber of Secrets. I haven't had time to read much today.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Phone...The Phone is Ringing!

I love Wonder Pets! Like SERIOUSLY LOVE that show. I'm such a little kid. :)

Went to Scottsdale and hung out with Stacie and Mason, then came home and hung out with ALLI!


I love my best friend. I want to move to Flagstaff so bad so we can hang out all the time. Tom and Mikey get along so well too. Friends are awesome.

Going to play Oregon Trail. I'm awesome right?

Sorry my posts have been lame lately. I just lead a really lame life.

Till tomorrow...

Current Book: Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Boring days ftl!

Didn't do much today.

Watched my brothers kids tonight. We watched Santa Buddies. Dumb movie, but my friend Ben from JR high was in it. Weird to see someone I know in a movie.

Went to Wal-Mart later and got a SWEET hoodie. I love it!

Yeah that's the excitement of my life. FML...

Oh and started reading Harry Potter! On book one and almost done with it! I'm awesome.

Current Book: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Project for Awesome Day 2

Spent the morning Spam-wowing and wearing out my fingertips.

I love Nerdfighteria it's such a fun place to live!

Went and saw my kiddos in their Christmas play tonight. It was super cute. They are all getting so big. It's still awkward going to Valley Spring. People just are so fake. It makes me sad.

Going to watch Harry Potter 6 with my husband! I think I'm becoming a HP nerd. Oh no! Might lurk around P4a later.

I know the last 2 days have had horrible posts from me, but after typing for the last 2 days for p4a my fingers are tired and my brain has last steam. Wow that was a very long sentence.

Anywho. Love you long time!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Just made it.

Been doing project for awesome all day today! My video!!!

I've literally been typing and commenting for 14 1/2 hours.

I have nothing else to say...

Short blog...yup.

On to more commenting! YAY!

I haven't read today and probably will be commenting all day tomorrow...yup.

Ok my brain is mush.

Till tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tomorrow is Project for Awesome!

YAY! I'm excited. I've got my hands all rested up for tons and tons of commenting and starring!

Been reading all day. This book I'm currently reading is super good! I want to finish it asap so I can start on the Uglies trilogy by Scott Westerfeld. I got them from Savers yesterday for 6 bucks! I love good deals on books! I want to go back this weekend and browse through their non-fiction section since it's now like 6 aisles worth of booky goodness!

OK off to finish dinner so my husband will stop whining.

Oh he won a 26' HD TV yesterday at work. Perfect size for our bedroom. It looks so pretty sitting next to me. Now we just need cable...oh man.


Current Book: Still Look Closely by Laura Caldwell....I'm almost done. :)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

But I'm from LA!

Spent the day at my mom's school today. Her Kindergartners are SO cute. They say the cutest things in the cutest little voices. Like the following...

So there is this little African American girl and little African American boy. The girl turns angrily to the boy and yells, "You are not my brother!" He then throws his hands in the air and cries, "But I'm from LA!"

I really don't know what him being from LA had to do with anything, but I was laughing so hard.

After school I helped with my mom's drama team, since they have a show on Friday and aren't very good. I realized I miss doing theatre and I really sort of like directing it. Even though the kids don't take direction well, they really seemed to get what I was telling them and followed what I said. My mom said I might be able to get paid to help teach a summer drama class with her this year. That would be really cool I think.

In other news, my feet hurt, my head hurts and I'm so tired. This is why I choose to stay at home and live on the interwebz everyday. :)

Till tomorrow...

Days till P4A: 2

Current Book: Same as yesterday

Monday, December 14, 2009

3 More Days!

Only 3 more days till Project for Awesome! My video is all done and eagerly waiting to join it's friends on Youtube.

I've been spending the last couple of days watching the Vlogbrothers and 5AwesomeGirls. Both of these channels are amazing and if you don't watch them. You should!

I finished another book today. I know I'm not officially starting my reading adventure till January 1st, but what can I say I'm a book nerd.

Christmas is quickly approaching, but I'm really not full of the holiday spirit this year. In all reality, I could care less. I don't know where this "Grinch" mentality is coming from. Maybe it's because Christmas costs money and we don't have any. I know I know "It's about family and Jesus." Blah Blah Blah. It's about money. Everything is about money.

Well I don't have any. So...bah humbug. :)

Till tomorrow...

Current book: Look Closely by Laura Caldwell

Sunday, December 13, 2009

I'm Awkward.

Filmed my Project for Awesome video today. Only took about a million takes. I've come to the realization that I am incredibly awkward on video. It's ok though. Makes the video more real I guess. Have to edit the tons of footage I got before P4A on Thursday!

I'm excited to be doing things now. Ok writing a blog and making videos may not seem like much to you people who live in the real world...but it's a lot for me.

Off to eat lunch and hangout with the hubby.

Till tomorrow.

Current Book: The Stolen by Jason Pinter

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Dear Mr. Grim Reaper,

Please leave me alone. K? Thanks :)

Sick again today. Nothing exciting to talk about.

I can't wait for Christmas and the New Year!

I'm getting lots of books and starting January 1st I'm going to be reading every day to go along with my blog writing. If I don't have something amazing for Nanowrimo then I just suck.

Till tomorrow.

Friday, December 11, 2009

You're Gonna Miss This.

"You're going to miss this
You're going to want this back
You're going to wish these days
Hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're going to miss this"
~Trace Adkins, "You're Gonna Miss This"

I don't know what's happened in my life that's brought me to this point, but I miss being young. I miss having a big group of friends to hang out with every day. I miss people who are always there and say they'll always be there.

They won't always be there. That's the sad truth. They aren't here now, that's for sure.

I miss having friends to talk to and friends to hang out with. Sure I talk to a lot of people on Facebook and I have a best friend that means the world to me, but she lives in Flagstaff and they aren't really my friends.

It's like that song that talks about who'd be there when you get your car stuck and need someone to pull you out. I can't really say anyone would be. Sorry this post is so depressing. I'm just having one of those days. I won't get into what brought me to this conclusion. That's not important.

I've just been thinking a lot lately and I can't decide where I went wrong. I wish one person would tell me my huge character flaw that makes everyone desert me. Maybe then I could try to change, but since I don't know what I do wrong I can't.

Anyway, that's all for today. Cherish those that mean the most to you, because one're gonna miss this.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hello Grim Reaper.

Oh I'm so sick.

I can't even think straight and I bad.

Until tomorrow....

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Project for Awesome

I'm so excited for Project for Awesome this year. I've decided to participate 100% by making a video and then spending all day lurking on youtube commenting and rating the other videos.

I wrote up my "script" yesterday so now I just have to wait till the 17th!

In other news...

I really don't have any other news. I committed myself to Nanowrimo next year by creating an account yesterday. I spent a lot of last night dreaming up ideas and characters. At this rate I'll be set for next year. :)

I went on neopets today and my account has been frozen for scamming. I would never ever scam people. This makes me really angry. A lot angrier than it should since it's a kids website that I haven't even been on in over a year.

Well, this post sucks cause my life is boring and I haven't done a single thing yet today and it's already 2pm. I really need a hobby, but first I have to learn to drive so I can actually go somewhere.

I should probably get a job sometime soon.

On that note, I'm out of here.

My ramen noodles are calling me.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Life decisions

Well, here I am.

Starting a new blog.

I know I've done this before and every time I've said I'm going to write every day. It hasn't happened yet, but this time I intend to stick with it.

Why is this time any different?

I've come to a realization during the last couple of days. I've said that I want to be a writer and I have all these life goals I want to achieve, but what have I done to even begin to accomplish ANYTHING?

Nothing...nothing at all.

So here is the start. I am going to write something everyday for the next year. EVERYDAY. It doesn't have to be something extravagant, but it has to be something. EVERYDAY. I want to get myself into the habit of writing daily so that when November comes around next year I will be ready to wholeheartedly write for Nanowrimo. I know this is going to be tough. I know I'm going to be very unhappy some days, but I have to do this. I have to MAKE myself do this.

OK so here I go.

This is day one.

Day one of the rest of my life.