Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Getting Back on the Horse

I started back on Sparkpeople.com today. I was on it about the same time last year and I quit using it.  It's a great site for creating a new healthy lifestyle.  It's completely free and a fantastic resource.  You can track your eating habits, your workouts and there is tons of recipes and other stuff on it.  It really is a great site.  My bestie is starting back on it again too.  We're going to get skinny! I'm sick of being overweight and am going to get into shape.  If you join up, friend me! I'm Manderiffic!

I finished reading Hex Hall today. My review is in the post before this one.  Go check it out.

I made homemade Cottage pie tonight. Loaded it with veggies. It was super yummy and really healthy too. I love cooking!

Ok well I'm out of here. See ya tomorrow.

Current Book Count: 61

Today is, apparently, "Eat What You Want Day." Your Inner Bad Girl thinks that sounds just fine.

Random Blog of the Day: BirdingRVers...this couple travels around and bird watches. How fun!

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